AT LAW NO: cl24-1585
WE THE PEOPLE (Petitioners):
filed March 27, 2024
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To the Honorable Judges of the Virginia Beach Circuit Court,
Many thanks for your oaths to uphold our Constitutions as watchmen of Lady Justice.
“We have only one story. All novels, all poetry, are built on the never-ending contest in ourselves of good and evil.” John Steinbeck
In accordance with Virginia Code § 19.2-206, this OPEN PETITION is a formal request by 'We The People' - a growing group of protected interested parties, including but not limited to, 12+ Virginia citizen voters - to investigate and report on conditions that involve or tend to promote criminal activities in our communities and reality.
This petition is supported by our nation's rapidly-growing patriot movement, Virginia’s Judicial System limits online document content access to court officers; this OPEN PETITION is available online at and will continue to build support from citizen voters and interested parties.
I. Background and Basis
Souls are not slaves; petitioners are not perfect and do not seek to vilify any individual or class but rather to create better paths for all souls.
Imagine if a staggering 83% of emergency 911 calls for help went unanswered, edging us toward chaos. Each year in Virginia, approximately +5,000 complaints are filed against State Bar officers, including judges. Astonishingly, more than 83% of these - roughly 4,000 complaints - are systematically dismissed without inquiry or investigation. Moreover, these complaints are kept hidden from public view. This glaring lack of transparency and accountability not only erodes our justice system's integrity but also serves as a shield and sword that encourages and normalizes “shocking to the conscience” bad behaviors across our reality. Such practices, by obstructing justice and promoting systemic corruption, mirror the criminal enterprises targeted by RICO statutes. This pattern of behavior has led to the coining of the term "State Bar Mafia," highlighting the systemic and organized nature of these failings. More concerning is the realization that this isn't just a Virginia or a legal system issue; it is a widespread crisis of accountability and ethics affecting most sectors in all local, state, and federal systems. This calls for an urgent and comprehensive response to restore faith in our systems, ensuring they serve ‘We The People’ and life itself - starting in our local courts.
Who watches the watchmen? When fraud upon our court is systematically ignored, 'faux oversight' encourages further fraud upon the public. This war on truth is perceived by many as a war on self and is considered treasonous. Such behavior effectively enslaves the justice-seeking class to the monopoly-rent-seeking court officer class, using taxpayer resources (fruits), abuse of color of law authority, and misuse of the public's consent to be governed. It serves to perpetuate itself and the status quo. No healthy soul would consent to be ruled by tyranny and self-funded enslavement.
Taxpayer funded enforcement for said system comes courtesy of the Sheriff’s authority and the Clerk’s processing. It should be noted, honorable Sheriff’s and Clerk’s are not individually responsible as no soul should fear the consequences of dissent in our self-evident distorted reality.
Deception is a cancer on the fabric of reality, obstructing the progress of humanity. Much like cancer, deception ultimately destroys everything, including itself. We, The People, refuse to accept that our destiny is one of self-destruction.
As Hans Christian Andersen’s 'The Emperor’s New Clothes' illustrates, the fear of challenging a widely accepted objectively distorted reality often paralyzes us, We The People. This fear not only perpetuates falsehoods but also sows confusion and distraction among well-intentioned individuals, hindering meaningful change. Today, our institutions and entities, including our courts, are 'naked emperors,' blatantly violating our inalienable rights and the foundational principles of consent that justify legitimate governance. Souls, endowed with inalienable free will by our Creator, must never be subjugated or enslaved. When governance descends into tyranny compelling self-enslavement, it forfeits its legitimacy. No soul should fear loss of livelihood, or worse, for confronting deception or championing truth. Moreover, taxes and the fruits of our existence should never be weaponized to enslave. Let us then be vigilant, ready to speak truth to power and to safeguard our inalienable rights, ensuring that our very existence nourishes freedom, not servitude.
As one Nation under God with liberty and justice for all, we live and act locally. What happens in our local courts influences and normalizes what happens across the Nations. Addressing systemic structural problems in our local courts will begin to restore our collective behaviors and relationship with truth, the narrow path that sets souls free.
Efforts by the Virginia General Assembly to investigate related matters failed to overcome partisan opposition; some consider said efforts a ‘uni-party false flag’ to gaslight the record and public. It should be noted the Governor’s office and Virginia House Judicial Committee Chair were made aware of systemic problems by 2023. Close relations between the legislature, judiciary, and executive branches are contributing factors. Federal efforts to address systemic issues remain on appeal.
Details of systemic problems have been witnessed by attendees who are willing to testify to just authorities, including a Special Grand Jury. Related filings that detail and document incontrovertible bad behaviors include but are not limited to:
A whistleblower, who wishes to remain protected due to fear of our system, has exposed troubling practices within the Virginia State Bar: denying public record access, destroying complaints, and politicizing decisions. These actions are prima facie evidence of serious fraud upon the public by our judiciary, akin to an act of treason. In 2023, the Virginia Beach Circuit Court jailed a whistleblower to prevent "anarchy," even after acknowledging the Order to jail was based upon false pretense. Lack of accountability enables our court to enforce orders known to be false, employing lawfare to rule tyrannically.
This OPEN PETITION presents many conflicts, including but not limited to:
“I consider trial by [special grand] jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which government can be held to the principles of its Constitution.” Thomas Jefferson, 1788.
II. Requested Action
We The People, hereby PETITION the Virginia Beach Circuit Court to follow the Rule of Law path forward by:
Respectfully submitted in service to justice and freedom for all souls,
signed by ALDO dibelardino for We The People