RED PILL - our Grand Juries are systemically manipulated by our justice system, normalizing deception, destruction, and tyranny.
There is a better path for all souls...
RULE OF LAW is non-government citizen Grand Jury administration, as a "...protector of citizens against arbitrary and oppressive governmental action." (SCOTUS '92 Williams & '74 Calandra cases)
Local public supervision of our Grand Jury RESTORES ACCOUNTABILITY to improve our collective reality.
The Virginia Beach Circuit Court and Sheriff's Office must release 7/15/24 Grand Jury body cam & videos - They must stand down from interfering with public Grand Jury supervision & cease Grand Jury operations until a Lawful Sheriff accountable to the people is elected.
SOULS ARE NOT SLAVES - Petitioners are not perfect, nor do they wish to vilify any individual or class; but rather create better lives for all.
Petitioners declare our Natural, Common and Constitutional Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, including, but not limited to, property and personal sovereignty rights.
Furthermore, Petitioners do not consent to be governed by deception, destruction, or tyranny; instead, Petitioners choose the path of TRUTH, JUSTICE, PEACE, LIBERTY, and the supremacy of the United States Constitution.